
We run a complete market analysis in your area to get an idea of the value of your property. It is also a good idea to know how much equity you have in your home.

95% of home buyers start their search online so photos are extremely important. You need to declutter, fix anything that may be broken, use a staging service if needed, all in preparation for photos to best represent your home and attract buyers.

Absolutely, this gives a buyer a personal look at the home and the chance to envision themselves living in it.

On average it's about 3% of the sale price.

This is a service that will provide decor and furnishings (if needed). A staging company will create a desirable look enticing buyers to take a closer view and envision themselves living in their new dream home.

I will start a marketing campaign on all social media accounts, I will submit all professional photos taken to my MLS, Zillow, Redfin, Realtor etc. I will launch an email campaign, host an open house as well as showings to get as many eyes on the property as possible.



You need to build your credit if it is not where you would like it to be. DO NOT make any big purchases before you buy a home in order to have credit and bank statements free and clear of any sort of harmful purchases or debt.

Financing is the first step when buying a home. You need to secure your financing through a pre-approval for a loan, unless you are paying cash.

After you find the property you are in love with, then it's time to make an offer. Your Realtor will create an offer in the form of a contract with your offer amount and send it to the listing agent, offer usually accompanies an earnest money deposit.

No, your down payment is the money you will be required to bring at closing, depending on the type of loan you are able to obtain. It can be from 3-20% of the total purchase price. The earnest money deposit is money held in escrow when you put an offer on a property to show the seller you are serious and to stop them from marketing the property once they accept your offer.

Usually about 2.5% of thesale price.



It depends on how much equity you and your spouse have built in your home. Usually both spouses will each share an equal amount of the awarded sale price. It will be the same process as any other sale in most cases.

Yes I can help you find a new home after this difficult time.



Absolutely whether it's a rental investment, a fixer upper or even land. I'm well versed and can help you begin or continue your investment journey.

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Living The Best Lifestyle In Your Dream Home